Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Film Shoot 30/4

Yesterday, we decided to capture the last element of our Cinematography project. This was the lighting change. We chose to do it in an area outside my home, where there was a grassy park location and electrics available for the lighting. It was a quick shoot and I feel that it went successfully.

We worked on creating the lighting effect of night changing to day, therefore filmed at 9pm last night, and using a Kino 200 and a Dedo lighting kit, worked together to create the effect of the change. I think it went very successfully, and I hope it fits well into the finished piece.

Today, will be about getting all the footage together, editing into one finished piece to then focus on colour correction (which hopefully won't be too big of deal). We decided to focus on colours through the shoot so we didn't depend on post to fix any problems. 

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